Say Yes to Education

Assemblyman Magnarelli took the lead in Albany in establishing the “Say Yes to Education” program which is a K-12 comprehensive support program and the promise of a college education, tuition, fees and books for families in the Syracuse City School District. The student must qualify for the program and financial assistance is provided to families based on income levels. Syracuse is the first “Say Yes to Education” city in the United States.

Promise Zone

Since 2014, Assemblyman Magnarelli has delivered $2 million each year for the Promise Zone Program. This program is a joint effort between the County of Onondaga and the Syracuse City School District. The Promise Zone seeks to address behavioral issues involving student discipline in the SCSD. The program pairs students needing assistance with Promise Zone specialists who work with the child and County Social Services to determine the child’s underlying issues and address them. The program has seen great success and is being replicated in other school districts.

    Joint Schools Construction Board
In 2006, Assemblyman Magnarelli successfully sponsored legislation that allowed the Syracuse City School District to embark on major renovations to schools in the city. In Phase 1, the JSCB authorized the renovation of projects at seven schools and was authorized to spend up to $225 million. In 2013, Assemblyman Magnarelli introduced legislation to authorize Phase 2 that will comprise up to twenty new projects at a maximum of $300 million. Phase II construction is set to begin in the summer of 2018. Phase III of the JSCB funding was passed in November 2021 for $300 million in renovations for city school buildings. 

Investment in Education, 2018 NYS Budget

  • $914 million increase in Education Aid (3.6% increase over 2017)
  • $50 million for Community Schools

State Aid Increases for the 129th District

  • Syracuse City School District -- $12,489,614
  • West Genesee -- $1,157,075
  • Jordan Elbridge -- $720,365
  • Westhill -- $231,321
  • Solvay -- $482,608
  • Baldwinsville -- $1,292,963​

Reforming the Common Core

   A.10475 (WBM co-sponsor), de-couples student test scores from teacher evaluations—passed Assembly on May 2, 2018.

Excelsior Scholarship

   Passed in the 2017-18 State Budget, allows qualified NY students to attend SUNY and CUNY Colleges Tuition free.
   Available to families with an income below $110,000.  This will increase to $125,000 in 2019.

   Students must be enrolled full-time and complete 30 credits per year.

Pre-Apprenticeship Program in the Syracuse City School District

    In the 2018 State Budget, Assemblyman Magnarelli secured $200,000 to fund a new initiative with the Manufacturers Association of Central NY (“MACNY”) to introduce students to careers in advanced manufacturing.  The program will take 28 9th graders and pair them with local manufacturers.  Students will receive hands on training and classroom instruction, including internships and summer job opportunities.  The goal is that when students graduate, they can immediately start full-time work with their partner company.



Investment in Education, 2017 NYS Budget

  • $1.1 billion increase in Education Aid (4.4% increase over 2016).
  • $800 million for Universal Pre-K.
  • $150 million for Community Schools.d6caa9

State Aid Increases for the 129th District

  • Syracuse City School District -- $14,166,494
  • West Genesee -- $807,909
  • Jordan Elbridge -- $359,656
  • Westhill -- $260,989
  • Solvay -- $275,022
  • Baldwinsville -- $1,199,622