2018 Budget Highlights

Paid Family Leave

In 2016, Assemblyman Magnarelli voted to create the nation’s strongest “Paid Family Leave” law, helping New Yorkers care for a new born or an ill family member. Taking effect this year, the new law provides New Yorkers with up to 8 weeks of paid leave at 50% of an employee’s average weekly wage, up to 50% of the State’s average weekly wage. When fully phased-in in 2021 it will provide 12 weeks of paid leave at 67% of an employee’s average weekly wage, up to 67% of the State’s average weekly wage.


Families, Seniors and Women

Assemblyman Magnarelli is working to keep quality health care affordable for area families.  He supported the Women’s Health and Wellness Act, which was signed into law, giving New York the most comprehensive women’s health coverage law in the country, including access to vital preventive health care screening and treatment services. The Assemblyman supported Family Health Plus, a landmark health care law that brings health coverage to 1 million uninsured New Yorkers and helped expand the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) program which provides seniors with low-cost prescriptions.  He was also an advocate for legislation that holds HMO’s liable for denying necessary treatments and prevents them from imposing unfair rate increases.  The Assemblyman maintains a close and supportive relationship with all hospitals, community health centers and long term facilities in his district, assisting them with available grant funding. 

Paid Family Leave

* Established a First-in-the-Nation Opioid Stewardship Fund: A $100 million State fund to help combat the Opioid Crisis. It will help fund prevention, treatment and recovery services for those battling addiction. The funds will come from the pharmaceutical industry.

* $200 million in funding for the NY Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services to support further services for those battling substance abuse and addiction

* Established a Health Care Shortfall Fund: This fund will ensure NY can continue to fund quality health services for all residents if the federal government makes cuts to health care. It will be funded from the proceeds of the sale of non-for-profit health insurers to for-profit companies.

In 2016, Assemblyman Magnarelli voted to create the nation’s strongest “Paid Family Leave” law, helping New Yorkers care for a new born or an ill family member. Taking effect this year, the new law provides New Yorkers with up to 8 weeks of paid leave at 50% of an employee’s average weekly wage, up to 50% of the State’s average weekly wage. When fully phased-in in 2021 it will provide 12 weeks of paid leave at 67% of an employee’s average weekly wage, up to 67% of the State’s average weekly wage.

2018 Budget Highlights

Assemblyman Magnarelli is a co-sponsor of the NY Health Act (A.4738-A). This legislation would provide comprehensive health coverage for all New Yorkers under a “single-payer” system. The NY Health Act would eliminate the need for patients and doctors to deal with insurance company bureaucracy, and no New Yorker would have to worry about affording health coverage. Assemblyman Magnarelli believes access to health care is a human right, and the NY Health Act is an important step in making that a reality.

Supporting Women’s Reproductive Health

Assemblyman Magnarelli is a staunch supporter of a woman’s right to make her own reproductive health decisions. He is a co-sponsor of the “Reproductive Health Act” (A.1748) that passed the Assembly again in 2018. This bill will codify the protections of Roe v. Wade into State law. He is also a co-sponsor of the “Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act” (A.9957) that would require all health insurance policies sold in NY to cover contraception, including emergency contraception.

2018 Budget Highlights


2018 Budget Highlights

In 2016, Assemblyman Magnarelli voted to create the nation’s strongest “Paid Family Leave” law, helping New Yorkers care for a new born or an ill family member. Taking effect this year, the new law provides New Yorkers with up to 8 weeks of paid leave at 50% of an employee’s average weekly wage, up to 50% of the State’s average weekly wage. When fully phased-in in 2021 it will provide 12 weeks of paid leave at 67% of an employee’s average weekly wage, up to 67% of the State’s average weekly wage.

New York Health Act

Paid Family Leave

Paid Family Leave