
Transportation and Infrastructure

Assemblyman Magnarelli has fought for and delivered results when it comes to rebuilding and improving our infrastructure in Central NY. Infrastructure funding will remain a top priority for the Assemblyman in the coming year.

Transportation and Infrastructure
* $477.8 million for the Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (“CHIPS”) and Marchiselli Program for local roads and bridges.
* $100 million for the PAVE NY and BRIDGE NY road and bridge repair programs.
* $65 million for winter recovery road repairs.

Fighting for CENTRO and Upstate NY Mass Transit
Assemblyman Magnarelli helped to lead the fight in Albany to secure needed operating and capital improvement funds for CENTRO and other Upstate transit systems.
* Secured $206 million in operating assistance for Upstate transit systems in the 2018 State Budget.
* Secured $105 million in capital funding for Upstate and non-MTA transit systems in the 2018 State Budget

Protecting Local Funding for Upstate Transit Systems
In 2016, Assemblyman Magnarelli sponsored and passed legislation to protect funding for transit systems from the Mortgage Recording Tax (“MRT”). A.9460 of 2016 forbid Industrial Development Agencies from exempting the .25% of MRT that goes to transit authorities. This change in the law will save CENTRO and other Upstate transit authorities hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in lost revenue from the MRT.

 $2.5 billion for Clean Water Infrastructure
The 2017 and 2018 State Budgets established and funded $2.5 billion to repair and rebuild our drinking and wastewater infrastructure.

$35.8 Million for the Renovation of Hancock Airport
Assemblyman Magnarelli helped to secure funding in the 2017 State Budget for renovations to the terminal at Hancock Airport. These renovations are ongoing and will help make Hancock a more accessible airport for passengers and airline.